

  • Students must achieve an over所有 (cumulative) GPA of 2.5 and successfully pass 所有 program pre-requisite courses
  • MLT项目的副学士学位
  • 认证(BOC优先)-如果未认证, then you must have documentation of 5 years of work experience in a MLT position within a multidisciplinary laboratory
  • Current and continued employment in a clinical laboratory – prefer laboratory that offers testing in 所有 major disciplines


  1. The MLS admissions committee ranks applicants based on the following criteria:
  2. 必修课程GPA
  3. 总平均绩点
  4. 推荐信
  5. One-on-one interviews which score applicants for:
    1. 专业
    2. 学术准备
    3. 沟通
    4. 与MLS项目的使命保持一致


  1. 如果你现在不是火狐体育下注学生, 申请火狐体育下注
  2. 完成健康科学学院 MLT到MLS在线申请.
  3. 让你的直接主管完成一份 支持声明表. 同时,提供三个 建议形式.
    • Your current direct supervisor MUST complete the 支持声明表 and a recommendation form. The other two 建议形式 should be completed by professionals (additional laboratory administrator, 病理学家, 实验室以外的同事, 熟悉你能力的教育工作者. 
  4. 提供官方成绩单 所有 你上过的大学. 成绩单上必须盖公章.

    如果你是外国毕业生, you need to: 1) submit your foreign transcripts to an approved credentialing company, 参加托福考试, and 3) submit your application to the 火狐体育下注 as soon as possible.  

    Your first step is to submit 所有 of your higher education transcripts to World Education Services (WES). The MLS Program will only accept transcript evaluations from WES in consideration of admittance into the Program. This is usu所有y a lengthy process which is why you need to submit these as soon as possible. 一旦你的成绩单被评估, 由韦斯, we can appropriately advise you for the 医学化验学 Program and/or consider your application for admittance.

    Your second step is to take the TOEFL test and submit scores to the MLS Program. In order to be eligible for admissions into the MLS Program, a minimum score of 26 in each category is required: Reading, 听, 说话, & 写作. 参考托福网站(http://www.ets.org/toefl)查阅有关测试的更多资料.

    Your third step is to submit your 火狐体育下注 undergraduate application. 作为一名外国毕业生, admission may be a lengthy process as foreign transcripts, 韦斯评价, 托福成绩是单独审核的. 除了, course syllabi may be required to ensure equivalency therefore we highly encourage submission of syllabi along with the above documents. This review is to ensure that you have met 所有 general education core requirements and MLS prerequisite courses, and to ensure sufficient undergraduate credit hours. This review process (by the 火狐体育下注 undergraduate admissions office) needs to be completed for the MLS Program to adequately evaluate your MLS application. If this review process is in progress during the MLS application review period, it is possible for foreign graduates to be accepted on a conditional basis pending completion of missing courses/credit hours.

  5. Mail the 支持声明表 and 建议形式 to:

    火狐体育下注 健康科学学院
    Wethington建筑物., Rm. 111


    WD Funkhouser大厦100号

  1. Other documents that must be uploaded with the above MLT to MLS application in step 1 include:
    • 简历/简历. Your resume or curriculum vitae should include the following:
      • Objective statement that addresses your interest in completing advanced degree and states your career goals
      • Include 所有 higher education institutions attended and dates of graduation (completion)
      • Include 所有 employment history within medical laboratory science field. Need start/end dates, role/position and description of duties
      • Include current place of employment and laboratory areas routinely assigned in
      • 包括静脉切开术经验
      • 显示认证
    • 提供作为MLT/CLT的证明. This may include any one of the following items:
      • MLT/CLT学位复印件
      • MLT/CLT认证文件
      • MLT/CLT项目主任的来信

After the deadline for applying to the MLT to MLS program, application pack美国教育考试服务中心 will be reviewed. Qualified applicants may be asked to participate in a brief phone interview with MLS faculty member(s).


(859) 218-0473

For more information about the program courses and requirements to complete the degree, contact the MLT/MLS coordinator 乍得 Guilliams at (859) 218-0855 or 乍得.Guilliams@freetobeashley.com.   

注意: 根据州法律, distance education courses and programs must be leg所有y authorized in a state prior to offering courses or programs to students residing there. 除了, programs in fields regulated by licensure or certification may not meet the educational requirements for licensure in certain states. 因此,程序的可用性因州而异. 学生应该检查 火狐体育下注在线 to determine if a distance education program at the 火狐体育下注 is available in their state of residence or me美国教育考试服务中心 the educational requirements for licensure in their state.   

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RELOCATING DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROGRAM: All distance education students should keep in mind that relocating during the course of a program to another state could impact whether that student can continue in the course and/or meet the eligibility requirements of that state.


  • 另交申请费25美元.00 is required for admission to the MLT to MLS online program. Your application will not be processed without the $25.00费.
  • The application fee cannot be waived nor deferred, and is non-refundable.
  • We accept Visa, Discover, American Express and MasterCard. 信用卡/借记卡也可以.
