



The basic science (wet) labs of the Rehabilitation (RHB) and Health Sciences PhD Program faculty occupy approximately 5,在威辛顿大楼4楼的1万平方英尺, 是肌肉生物学中心(CMB; sjtapd.freetobeashley.com/chs/muscle),由Dr. 夏洛特彼得森. CMB有35个成员, representing five colleges and 10 departments from across the UK campus with approximately $14 million in extramural research funding. CMB的使命是支持和整合基础设施, 在火狐体育下注进行肌肉的临床和转化研究. The goal is to understand mechanisms regulating muscle structure and function that impact overall health, to develop new strategies to improve physical performance and prevent frailty and the loss of functional independence following injury and in the face of chronic disease and aging.

博士们的实验室. 以斯帖Dupont-Versteegden, Christopher Fry and 夏洛特彼得森 are fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for cellular and molecular biologic analyses of rodent and human muscle tissues. The labs contain several tissue culture facilities for studying isolated primary muscle cells. 人体组织和原代肌肉细胞系储存在CMB人体肌肉库中.  共享设备包括QuantStudio3实时PCR检测系统, BioRad ChemiDoc MP成像系统, ZetaView (R)纳米颗粒跟踪分析系统.

Dr. 蒂姆·巴特菲尔德的肌肉力学实验室里有动物跑步机, with integrated electromyography and high speed camera systems to measure 已 kinematics and kinetics, and custom fabricated tissue loading devices and instrumentation for the measurement of passive and active mechanical properties of rodent muscle, 已.  A complete Aurora muscle physiology system allows measurement of mechanical properties in isolated, 整个肌肉, 包括force-frequency, force-velocity, 力的长度, 并允许额外的疲劳测量, 钙敏感性, 张力上升和恢复的速度, 被动肌肉僵硬, 和断裂长度. The lab also contains custom fabricated mechanotherapy equipment  (instrumented human and animal massage devices) for the application and quantification of external mechanical loads to human and animal skeletal muscle.



Dr. 布莱恩Noehren, director of the Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) and Biomotion Labs (located in the adjacent Multidisciplinary Sciences (MDS) building, 见下文), 他的生物运动计算机实验室在威辛顿四楼潮湿实验室附近, where modeling and analyses of biomechanics data obtained from human research volunteers are performed.

神经运动控制 & 康复实验室就在大厅对面. The Neuro Motor Control and Rehab Laboratory is well equipped for assessing balance and postural control deficits. 实验室有10个摄像头(运动分析), 圣罗莎, CA), 一个7 x 3表面扰动跑步机与头顶安全安全带(Activestep, Symbex, 黎巴嫩, NH), 7 .传感器Opal惯性测量单元(IMU)系统(APDM), 波特兰, OR).

位于MDS大楼内, the HPL occupies approximately 1365 square feet on the first floor and 1765 square feet in the basement, 后者是生物运动实验室. The HPL embodies translational science with investigators from the colleges of Health Sciences, 教育, 医学, and Engineering working side by side on projects ranging from mechanistic studies in biomechanics to cutting edge physical therapy 治疗s. The first floor laboratory contains space dedicated to evaluating biomechanics across activities ranging from basic tasks such as transitioning between sitting to standing to advanced tasks such as performing a running cut motion at full speed. 生物运动实验室包含两个独立的区域, one dedicated to the collection of walking and running biomechanics with a sophisticated force measuring treadmill, 动作捕捉摄像机, 还有一个等速测功机. The other area of the Biomotion Lab contains a full functioning physical therapy clinic with dedicated space for both resistance and endurance exercise equipment, 治疗基座和检查室. 这两个空间提供了一个独特的环境来机械地测试新的处理方法, 同时也是火狐体育下注跑步诊所. This specialty clinic allows runners from the community to come in for a fee and have their running form and/or injuries assessed. HPL的主要设备包括:凯泽阻力运动设备, 自行车测力计上, 跑步机, Bertec和AMTI力测量平台, Bertec仪器跑步机, Biodex测功器, 20运动捕捉摄像机, Delsys肌电信号设备, 加速度计, 新型仪器鞋垫和12个计算机工作站.



指导:博士. Richard Andreatta, LSD实验室(700平方英尺). ft.) is dedicated to the study of perceptual and physiological mechanisms underlying the human vocal tract during speech and vocalization.  The lab currently supports many lines of research that together addresses the integrative nature of vocal function and speech production.  研究方向包括感官知觉, 口面部和喉部生理学, 语音分析, 以及动物模型喉肌生物学的基础研究.  The lab boasts a comprehensive array of technologies that allow for the recording and analyses of respiratory, 发音, 以及各种动态和静态语音任务中的神经肌肉子系统.  The lab is equipped with several stimulus and transducing systems including: (1) a servo-linear motor for mechanically evoked reflex studies of the trigemino-facial pathway, (2) a precision vibrotactile delivery system for somatosensory perceptual and movement-related gating studies, (3)用于分析嘴唇的自动化肌肉力评估工作站, 下颌和舌头肌肉在体内的表现技巧, (4)用于各种面部运动跟踪应用的运动学传感器, (5)最先进的声音功能视觉成像工具, 话音信号的声学分析, and aerodynamic assessment of voice production (PAS) including respiratory (Respitrace) and glottal airway measures. A Faraday booth built within the lab space is available for EMG and evoked response studies.



The UK 运动医学研究所 (SMRI) is a state-of-the-art research center with the mission to conduct interdisciplinary research to optimize the prevention, 治疗, 以及伤病和表现的康复. The SMRI has a vision to be a leader in sports medicine research that empowers people to achieve long-term health and wellness. 最初是由包括健康科学学院在内的合作创建的, 火狐体育官网入口, 火狐体育下注体育运动, 以及医学院, SMRI专注于研究, 外展, 并在四项具体举措中提供服务:现役/退伍军人, 体育运动, 积极的妇女健康, 骑师和马术.

SMRI相信灌输, 培养, 并培养一种利他主义, mentor-based culture to benefit and develop students and faculty to be future thought-leaders in their professions. SMRI provides applied research opportunities and experiences for students both internal and external to the University at the undergraduate, 硕士和博士学位. SMRI is aligned with the CHS Rehabilitation Sciences Doctoral Program and provides opportunities for research training by providing student funding through graduate research assistantships and mentoring of PhD students. 研究 experiences are also provided for students enrolled in the CHS 本科研究 Certificate program.